Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Low Poly character series. entry no. 2

Link to a more detailed post over at my Low Poly blog. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Low poly character series! entry no.1

Link to more detailed post on my low poly blog.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

High end game res character

After weeks and weeks of hard work, I present to you my next-gen game character, completed earlier this year, but too busy to update on the blog. This model is based on the Barbarian character from Blizzard's Diablo 3. I referenced one of the barbarian concepts
(below: the 3rd concept from the left)

Learned a lot while making this character. Kind of familiarised myself with the next-gen character workflow and it seems like hard work! Am really pumped to make more characters now.

WIP process below:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Digital painting - speed painting to start 2013

Speeding paintings ...anytime between 1/2 hour - 5 hours spent on each piece


Digital sculpting - Zbrushing away the dust for the new year :)

Quick zbrush practise sculpts

Average 2-3 hours a piece.

3D Modeling Showreel April 2010

Thank you for viewing!